
Which CAT tool works for you?

Version Française

In a previous article, we wrote about Trados™, one of the most commonly used (computer assisted translation) CAT tools.

There are definitely other translation memory (TM) tools on the market that are more user-friendly than Trados (also one of the most expensive). Here we’ve identified several others that you might find useful. As we haven’t tested every system out there, our list is by no means exhaustive, so please feel free to post your own opinions or tell us about your experiences with these, or any other systems that you may have used or be familiar with.

Wordfast is probably the one of the most straightforward CAT tools out there. Created by Yves Champollion, an independent translator with a strong background in computer science, Wordfast was, for a long time a free tool that was improved through various user-based contributions. In 2002, Wordfast was re-established as a subscription-based tool, but still remains the least expensive translation memory on the market.


- Compatible with PC and Macs
- Real-time glossary generation
- External dictionary links
- Built-in personalized glossaries
- Compatible with market standards, such as Trados 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and TMX formats.
- Compatible with MultiTerm segmentation; transferable memories and glossaries.
- Translation possible in Excel, PowerPoint and Access
- Translation of tagged RWS Rainbow or Trados Stagger documents
- Wordfast can connect to automatic translation tools such as PowerTranslator™, Systran™, Reverso™, etc.
- Wordfast can be downloaded and shared via personal or professional networks

OmegaT is a free, open-source translation memory written in JavaScript.


- Establish your own between exact and fuzzy matches
- Ability to work on multiple projects at once
- Simultaneous use of various translation memory systems
- External glossaries
- Compatibility with multiple document formats: Text, HTML, OpenSource.org/StarOffice (latest version has excellent conversion filters for MS Word. Excel, rtf).
- Works in Unicode (UTF-8), allowing for the use of non Latin-based character alphabets
- Compatibility with other translation memory tools (TMX level 1 and up)

Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu X is a simple and powerful CAT tool; a translation memory (TM) system combined with Example-Based Machine Translation (EBMT). Like other CAT tools, Déjà Vu saves you time by improving consistency and increasing productivity.

For project managers, Déjà Vu provides all the tools necessary to analyse, prepare and manage translations into and from any two languages supported by Windows.


- Integrated: Single software package provides all necessary functions for translation and project management needs
- Simple: User-friendly interface provides step-by-step guidance
- Flexible: Freedom to maintain personal style preferences, whether working with technical texts, marketing texts, etc.
- Compatible: Supports all conventional file formats; compatible with other CAT tools
- Detailed Display of existing translations within database: Information provided (date, author, project name, etc.) assures consistent terminology use and increases efficiency
- Quality Controlled: Verification of filters (coherence), terminology, figures, etc. optimizes first-run translations.
- Secure: Database management system automatically saves projects; password protection also available with up to 9 levels of access to eliminate overwriting

Other available CAT tools include Similis™, Across™, and TStream™, which we’ll address in a future article. If you still can’t decide which tool is the best for you, we recommend Véronique Sauron’s article: “Wordfast™ et Trados™, le combat de David contre Goliath” (available only in French), comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each tool. www.tradulex.org/Hieronymus/Sauron.pdf


Similis is a translation software tool for professional translators, whether they work freelance, for a Language Service Provider, or in the Translation department of a large corporation. The interface is simple, and a professional translator will master Similis after a one-day training session.

Similis is a Translation Memory, giving translators immediate access to a database of all the past translations generated by an individual or an entire company. It can handle all existing memory formats (Trados, TMX, etc.), and recover previously developed memories and glossaries.

During a translation, Similis analyzes previous translations, generates a translator memory and applies it to the current project. This saves time when translating recurrent segments, terms, and word groups, and provides consistency across different documents.

Similis is a second-generation translation memory (more powerful than the first-generation memories). It includes a linguistic analysis engine, uses text-chunking technology to break down segments into intelligent terminological groups (chunks), and automatically generates specific glossaries.

Available in both server (Windows) and standalone versions, Similis meets the needs of large corporations and institutions wanting to better management of their in-house and outsourced translation projects, as well as translation professionals seeking to develop customer loyalty.


Across Language Server is the basic product from Across™. It offers several functions to organize, coordinate and efficiently manage all your translation projects.

Across™ provides a working environment in which all stakeholders can remain in contact; editors, project managers, service providers and freelance translators.

Across™ provides access to previously stored segments, allows for successful project administration and integration of its various functions. Content quickly accessible in target languages considerably reduces project costs.

In an era of globalisation and ever-expanding international markets, the use of language resources make up an essential component in the market value of international businesses. Across Language Server enables the integration of these priorities into business workflows and for export market infrastructures.

A computer-assisted translation tool from STAR Group

As a translation manager, are you challenged by the following?

• How to translate your text & reuse old translations to save money?
• How to translate different file formats and maintain file layout to minimise desktop publishing work afterwards?
• How to eliminate file conversion issues as a result?
• How to manage language consistency in all translation projects?
• Can you manage a single project instead of many files?
• Can you get suggestions for translations as you work?

The Benefit of a Translation Memory

A key challenge in translation today is managing both costs and volumes of translation. Transit NXT manages your projects by allowing you to import your file for translation, translate the files with suggestions from your previous projects and then export your translated files, delivering consistent results time and again.

Transit gives your project managers the ability to manage translation projects and to produce accurate word counts and costing. It gives your translators a single tool to translate all the leading file formats: FrameMaker, XML, HTML, MS Word, Powerpoint, Adobe Indesign, etc.


• Automatic project price calculations—based on your pricing
• Manage just one project instead of many files
• Automatic translation (Translation Memory) and terminology suggestions
• Speed
• Easy to use
• Accepts all major source files
• Management and updating of translation memory data
• Navigate, search/replace, check spelling and format through a project as one virtual file—project files are loaded at once
• Progress indicator (how much has been translated and how much remains)
• Context lookup for fuzzy matches: data always remain in original context
• Wizards shorten the learning curve


• Compatible with other translation memory systems, including TMX and Martif
• Unicode support for all languages
• Open system: integrates with many authoring and DTP systems
• Alignment function for reuse of previous translations

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