
How to translate...

French University accreditation? (Part 1)

Some Diplômes and Licences in France explain exactly what they are, but others are a puzzle of acronyms.
Here's the start of a brief overview of some of the most common from Universities and post-secondary institutions and their (sometimes rough) English equivalents.

Today we're just putting up the 1èr cycle , which is pretty much any accreditation before obtaining a Bachelor's / Undergraduate degree.

Certificat (sare-tee-fee-ka) - Completed in 1 year.

EN ➔ Certificate

Diplôme (dee-plome) - Completed in 2 years.

EN ➔ Diploma

DU - Diplôme d'Université

EN ➔ University Diploma; Diplomas in North America are usually specific, so indicate your field or specialty

DUT - Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie
2-year technical Diploma
Similar to a Diploma from a technical institute / polytechnic / institute of technology
(similar to a BET - see below - but in different disciplines)
EN ➔ a Technical Diploma in your specific field

DEUG - Diplôme d'Études Universitaire Générale
(This Diploma doesn't exist anymore in France)
EN ➔ basically a General Studies Diploma

BTS - Brevets de Technicien Supérieur
2-year technical Diploma
Similar to a Diploma from a technical institute / polytechnic / institute of technology.
EN ➔ a Technical Diploma in your specific field

Tomorrow we'll get to some stuff from the 2ème cycle.

And email us if you need to know how to translate...

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